Vishakhapatnam Styrene Gas Leakage Tragedy
By ALVI Tags: %LEL, %VOL, 12BitConverterResolution, Accessories, Adapter, ATEX, ATEXCertified, ATEXGasDetector, C7H8Detector, C7H8Monitor, Calibration, CCOE, CellarAlarm, CMRI, Continuousmonitoring, Detector, DGMS, DigitalBusSensors, DigitalCalibration, Easycalibration, ElectricalExprotected, EnvironmentalMonitoring, Exdb, ExnA, ExplosionProof, ExplosiveGas, FlameDetector, flameproof, FlameproofGasDetector, FlameproofGasSensor, FlammableGas, FlammableLiquid, Fumigation, FumigationProducts, GasAlarm, GasControllers, Gasdetector, GasDetectorTubes, Gassensor, GasSensorTransmitters, GasTransmitters, HandPumpsAccessories, HandTool, HART, HARTProtocol, HazardousArea, IECEx, IECExCertified, IndoorAirQuality, Intrinsicallysafe, JunctionBOX, JunctionBOXCopperFree, JunctionBoxMarineGrade, LCD, LED, MAPAnalysers, MarineGradeEnlosure, MetrologicalTesting, PESO, PolyGard2, PolyXeta2, Relay, RS485, SelfMonitoringSystem, SIL, SIL2), SIL2. SIL1, SIL2Certified, SolventMonitoring, StainlessSteelEclocsure, StainlessSteelHousing, StandaloneIt is extremely saddening to know about the leakage of Styrene Gas from LG Polymers India Private Limited located in Vishakhapatnam as of now 11 people died and more than 2000 fallen sick, Vishakhapatnam Styrene Gas Leakage is somehow took place because of management’s irresponsibilities, we ALVI Automation a group of experienced Australiasian expertise can help Industries, plant to control and stop this type of Hazardous incident through our world class best Gas Leak Detection Monitoring and Control Alarm Systems.
We have world-class best Gas Leak Detector and Control Monitoring Systems, having features like, very fast response, high accuracy, long life, and economical in price, systems gives the alarm before leakage gets hazardous, Control Systems Control and close the supply valve if gas leakage detected and also provide SMS to management about the leakage before it creates hazardous incidents.
We have all types of #Toxic #Combustibles #Gasleakage #Detector and #ControlAlarmSystems our experienced team and world-class German make Sensor Transmitter and Control Alarm Systems help Plant/Industries to stop such incidents in the future.
For More details, please contact us on – Info@alviautomation.com