Continuous level measurement for use in Liquids

ALVI AUTOMATION (India) Pvt Ltd also trading as GasAlarm Systems a div  of ALVI Technologies Pty Ltd introduces all New Continuous level measurement for use in low-viscosity liquids or liquids with only low solid content in open or closed tanks by JOLA Germany

Level Indicator Consisting of
• sensor:
Switchable resistances activated by float via reed contacts
• transmitter:
A 2-wire module in the terminal box of the level indicator converts the resistance values
into a load-independent current signal 4 … 20 mA.

Working principle :

A float with built-in permanent magnet moves up and down with the liquid level on the probe tube of the TSQ 4-20/… level indicator.

Inside the probe tube, there is a chain made up of reed contacts and series connected resistors. The magnet in the float switches the reed contact(s) which are at the same position as the float. This results in a quasi-continuous height-proportional resistance measurement.

The change in resistance resulting from the upward and downward motion of the float is recorded via a current loop transmitter in the terminal box of the TSQ 4-20/… level indicator and is converted into a load-independent current 4 … 20 mA.



Area of application :

The TSQ 4-20/… level indicator is designed for use in low-viscosity liquids or liquids with only low solid content in open or closed tanks. It is not suitable for use in liquids that are prone to deposit formation, adhesion or crystallisation which might hinder the movement of the float on the probe tube. It is also not suitable for use in liquids with permanently moving surface and/or on vibrating machines.

Application Example :