Phosphine (pH3) Gas Sensor, Transmitter for Food Processing /Pharmaceutical Industries.

Phosphine (pH3) Gas Sensor, Transmitter for Food Processing /Pharmaceutical Industries.

Gas Alarm India in association with Gas Alarm Systems – Australia offer Phosphine (PH3) sensor transmitter / detector/ analyser from MSR Electronic, Germany with following features:

  • Measuring range: 0-5 ppm
  • Technology: Electrochemical (analysis, toxic monitoring)
  • Output: 4-20mA, 0-10V, RS485 modbus, Lon, BacNET
  • Enclosure: IP44, IP54, IP65
  • Certificate: UL 61010, UL 2075, ATEX EExd, ATEX EExn, CE
  • Mounting: wall mountable, duct mountable
  • Installation area: safe area, hazardous area, explosion-proof

Application areas: oxidisation, hospitals, oil & gas, landfill, chemical, refrigerant, paint, process, fertilizer, glass, semiconductor, pharmaceutical, chillar plant, cylinder store, furnace, steel, engine room, testing rooms, automobile, thermal power plant, defence, warship, cooling rooms, annealing plant, formulation plant, food processing, cracking unit, refinery, storage plants, clean room, oxygen depletion, grain storage, fumigation,

Key features:

  • Reverse polarity protected
  • Gel based eletrolyte
  • Poisoning protected
  • Capable of mounting in any direction, with no effect on performance, output and life of these sensors (no orientation problems)
  • Modular architecture
  • Manual calibration
  • Expected life > 3 years
  • Low response time
  • Sleep protection
  • Microprocessor based value processing with temperature, moisture, dust, vibration compensation
  • High amplitude, low frequency and low amplitude, high frequency compensation
  • with industrial designed hydrophobic filter
  • Capable for field calibration with zero and span/gain trimpots and have low calibration and maintenance cost
  • Have IMMUNITY TO RF/FM INTERFERENCE as per the guidelines of EMC- Directive 2004/ 108/ EEC

Chemical, paint, explosive, alcohols, disinfectant, biocide, embalming agent, manufacturing, textile industry, resins, EPA, OSHA, TWA, STEL, NIOSH, gas detector, gas sensor, gas analyser, gas detection system, gas sensor transmitter, gas transmitter, automobile, nuclear, continuous monitoring, coal mines, food processing, bakery, oil & gas, toxic gas, combustible gas sensor, combustible gas detector, battery room, ripening chamber, cold room, building ventilation, parking ventilation, pharmaceutical, labs, clean rooms, filter monitoring, mine ventilation, bottling plant, gas reticulation, hospitals, steel, rolling mills, paint booth, level monitoring, leakage monitor, tunnel ventilation.