Lets Fight Covid19 Together.!!
By ALVI Tags: coronavirus, Covid19, novelcoronavirusThe FDA has Approved Emergency use of a new coronavirus test that delivers positive results in 5 minutes and negative results in 13 minutes, with this said all the Hospitals, testingcenters, testlabs, RehabilitationCenters shall be receiving this test facility, along with this we would highly recommend to monitor and control safe breathing zones, air quality index with automatic control of HVAC system, Ventilation Air Control by controlling of fresh air fans, AHU, etc to keep germs and virus at bay and keep our environment safe to carry out the testing efficiently and we have to ensure that these covid19 Hospitals, test facilities are maintained with good temperature, humidity with negative pressure controller environment for which ALVI Automation – GasAlarm India would love to assist you and lets come out from this novelcoronavirus together. iaq emergency safetyfirst indoorairquality lifesafety gasdetection safetytraining firesafety energysaving alarmsystems fireprotection controlsystems machinesafety Gas Alarm Systems Alvi Gas MSR-Group GmbH Indian Army GE Healthcare