Hydrogen Cyanide gas detection in Jewelry Industries

Jewelry manufacturers are increasingly worried about their worker’s health and safety conditions, Most jewelry companies want to prevent work-related illness and injury, and they also want to prevent pollution from their manufacturing processes, we have Smart Gas Detectors for Jewelry Manufacturing & Polishing Industries.

Most of the gases/solvent acid used or generate during the Jewelry polishing, Soldering, Dewaxing,  process are like Cyanide, Hydrogen Cyanide, Hydrofluoric acid  Sulphur dioxide , Nitric Oxide, Hydrochloride, Methyl Chloride, Cadmium, Acetone, Hydrogen, Methane, these gases are highly toxic and life threatening to avoid any unwanted accident the management need to install Smart MSR Germany Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) Gas Detector, Sensor uses latest  Electrochemical Diffusion type Sensing Technology  to detect the Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) with High accuracy in less time (Highly Responsive).

The 12bit Microprocessor Converter ensures the highest accuracy, sensitivity, selectivity and reliability despite the long calibration interval.

Click Here to see the On site demonstration video, Hydrogen Cyanide Gas Detection and Control Monitoring system installed at one of the gold design manufacturing Plant. 

These gases or it’s vapor are very dangerous for human health, may cause Lungs cancer, Blood Cancer, Kidney, Liver damage, Cyanide gases are very dangerous for human life sometimes cause instant death.

Since it comes under critical Human Life Safety, it is very important to Install authenticated, Gas Detection and Control Monitoring systems in the areas where these dangerous gases or solvent are used, so that it can be monitor, control & provide safe area to Work, definitely it will increase your productivity too when your worker do their work with secure mind.

We can help you in all your safety automation, gas detection needs, please feel free to contact us anytime at INFO@ALVIAUTOMATION.COM +91-7091777274

Why Regular Calibration of Gas Detectors is Required.?

Importance Of Calibration Services for Gas Detectors

Calibration of Gas Detector
Calibration of MSR Gas Sensor 

Case Study 

Calibration and Annual maintenance conducted at Apollo Tyres site on our MSR Hydrogen Gas Detectors and MSR Controllers which is very essential for critical life safety and assets protection and now its fully reliable for on-site use. We highly recommend and educate our clients to undertake regular calibration and AMC services to keep all the catastrophic disaster at bay and always make sure to choose the Gas Detection Systems which has the following safety features like:

* Fail-Safe system
* SIL2 (Safety Integrity Level)
* Auto Diagnostic
* Critical life safety Enhancement
* Alert for calibration and next due service
* Color changing visual LED indicating a gas leak

#gasalarmsystems #safteyfirst #criticalsafety #FlammableLiquid #ExplosiveGas #FlammableGas #ATEX #SIL2 #IECEx #hazardous #HAZOP #HAZAN #HydrogenGasDetector

ALVI Automation – GasAlarm India MSR-Group GmbH Harald Schmitt Gas Alarm Systems Alvi Gas Archit Jha

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to contact us or reach our experts to info@alviautomation.comsales@gasalarm.com.au

Be sure, Be safe – Gas Detectors and Alarm Systems, Safety First.!

Oxygen(O2) and Carbon Dioxide(CO2) Gas Monitor in Makeshift Hospitals and Hospital Wards

Under the current pandemic of CORONA VIRUS (COVID -19) affecting nearly every country in the world, health officials are releasing daily updates and guidelines to combat the virus, hence we are here to support by strongly recommending of installation of the Oxygen sensors inside Makeshift Hospitals and Hospital Wards to ensure oxygen enrichment is controlled, Unfortunately, you cannot solely rely on ventilation to ensure a safe working atmosphere. This shall continuously monitor the Oxygen Level inside the confined area and shall initiate ventilation exhaust fan when the oxygen level increases. If the ventilation system fails then an audio-visual alarm shall be initiated, which can be interfaced with the BMS or Fire Alarm system.

Continue reading “Oxygen(O2) and Carbon Dioxide(CO2) Gas Monitor in Makeshift Hospitals and Hospital Wards”

Smart Compact Freon and refrigerants Gas Detectors (Your protection against refrigerants)

ALVI Automation a div of ALVI Technologies Pvt Ltd (Also trading as GasAlarm) is pleased to  announce a revolutionary Smart Compact Freon and refrigerants Gas Detectors

Freons are heavier than air. They tend to remain stagnant and progressively replace oxygen. For optimal efficiency of your refrigerant leak detection system, refrigerant sensors should be placed under the cooling unit and linked to a gas detection display control unit. In case of leakage, the controller unit will shut down the power supply of the cooling installation.

PolyGard®2 sensors are used for leakage detection in refrigeration systems. Refrigerants are highly toxic and usually very harmful to the environment. An undesired leakage of the refrigerant has to be strictly avoided. The gas alarm systems of MSR-Electronic reliably detect any gas leaks.

First and foremost you protect human life and the refrigeration system is monitored.

All products comply with and even exceed the new European standard EN 378.


  • Digital measurement value processing
  • Internal function control with integrated hardware watchdog
  • Data / measured values in μC of the sensor unit, therefore simple exchange
    uncalibrated <> calibrated
  •  High accuracy, selectivity and reliability
  •  Low zero point drift
  •  Long sensor life time
  • Hardware & software according to SIL2 compliant development process
  •  Easy maintenance and calibration by exchange of the sensor unit or by comfortable on-site calibration
  • 4 – 20 mA (or 2 – 10 V) analog output with selectable signal output for special mode, fault etc.
  • Reverse polarity protected, overload and short-circuit proof
  •  Housing for integration of the sensor unit
  •  IP 65 version
  •  Display (option)
  •  Display with two open-collector outputs for horn (resettable) and warning lamp(option)
  • Conformity to
    o EN 61010-1
    o ANSI/UL 61010 1
    o CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1)
    o EN 378
    o EN 61508-1-3
    o EN 45544-1
  •  Duct mounting kit (accessory)



For More Information please feel free to contact us and write us to info@alciautomation  

Gas Detection Solution For The Industrial Application

Protection Under Extreme Condition



MSR-Electronic Protects Health and Plants Under Industrial Conditions.

In the chemical and Petrochemical Industry Permanent  Gas Monitoring and control solution of Rooms and Plants is very essential, In Which Explosive and toxic gas condition might occur in the atmosphere.

For the Protection of human beings constant monitoring of toxic and combustible gases and vapors is required, In addition, monitoring of lack of oxygen should be undertaken and oxygen surplus must be carried out.

MSR-Electronic offers a wide range of methods for detection of gases, On this basis MSR-Electronic develops individual gas sensors for industrial applications where extreme environmental conditions prevail.

Requirements for Gas Detectors

Standards and regulations in the commercial field

The products of MSR-Electronic comply with more than the general standards and regulations and can therefore guarantee the safety of the plant and human beings.

Wherever combustible or toxic substances are stored, bottled, processed or transported, the hazard potential caused by gases and vapors is particularly high. Correct planning and installation of gas detection system can, however significantly reduce the risks for humans and plants.



For more information Please contact us to info@alviautomation.com

Vinod Gogoriya of EK engineering, India is absconding from the clutches of Rajasthan Police

We would like to spread the word out to all our customers, especially our customers from India, that Rajasthan Police is hunting for criminal Vinod Gogoriya of EK engineering, India along with his wife Mamta Gogoriya who are absconding.

Some of our customers are still being misled and cheated by Vinod Gogoriya of EK engineering, India. This is to inform all our customers that ALVI Automation is the only company in India from where you should source all your process instruments, including  – MSR, Fischer, and Jola products, Joventa.

Rajasthan Police have published Criminal Vinod Gogoriya, his wife Mamta Gogoriya as absconder and is asking public for any related information. It’s our sincere urge to everyone, if you know anything about Vinod Gogoriya or his wife Mamta Gogoriya, please inform Rajasthan Police via their weblink as attached below and help injustice.


We would appreciate the support from everyone in spreading the news out and doing the right thing.

Vinod Gogoriya – EK Engineering – Criminal Record

Vinod Gogoriya is declared as criminal along with his wife Mamta Gogoriya and absconding in case number 167/2016 and 385/2016. They run deceptive companies in Bikaner like EK Engineering (http://ekeindia.com), EK gems and Silver’s, EK silver house.

Rajasthan police requesting information from the public about Vinod and Mamta Gogoriya, if anyone has any information about Vinod Gogoriya please ping us (Alak Jha or Prakash Jha) or inform Pratap Nagar Police Thana Jaipur and we suggest you that please refrain dealing with Vinod Gogoriya EK Engineering Bikaner.

weblink as attached below and help injustice.


Proportional Ball Valves Actuator Model no: BMS1.1

As the process industry continues to achieve more efficient and productive plant design, plant engineers and technicians are faced, almost daily, with new equipment designs and applications. One product, a valve actuator, may be described by some as simply a black box, having an input (power supply or signal), an output (torque), and a mechanism or circuitry to operate a valve. Those who select control valves will quickly see that a variety of valve actuators are available to meet most individual or plant wide valve automation requirements. In order to make the best technical and economical choice, an engineer must know the factors that are most important for the selection of actuators for plant wide valve automation. Where the quality of a valve depends on the mechanical design, the metallurgy, and the machining, its performance in the control loop is often dictated by the actuator.

The decision to automate a valve is usually based on one or all of the following considerations.
• Safety
• Reliable operation
• Control and process system performance
• Inaccessible or remote valve location
• Cost
• Excessive valve torque
• Emergency response and whether it is fail-safe

These electric actuators are designed for operating JOVENTA JV Ball Valves, by the means of the ZAK 2 linkage Kit.

■■ DC 0(2)…10 V or 0(4)…20 mA control signal
■■ Up to 5 actuators in parallel operation possible
■■ Plug-in terminal block connection
■■ Simple mount on valves with ZAK2 linkage kit
■■ Selectable direction of rotation
■■ Manual release button
■■ 2 adjustable auxiliary switches
■■ Automatic shut-off at end position
(overload switch)

For more details Click here or feel free to contact us

Carbon Monoxide Sensor with enhanced CO radical detection capability

Make :- MSR Germany

Model No:- MA-0-1110-F-B

Area Of Application:-

Ideal for
Parking area, garages, chiller rooms and heating,
as well as dusty & humid area like pharmaceuticals, coal mine,
conveyor belt, cement plant, thermal power plants, flour mills,
powder industries.

Key Points :- 

  • Carbon Monoxide with enhanced CO radical detection capability
  • Very early smouldering fire and smoke detection.


  • Sensor Model: – MA-0-1110-F-B
  • Measuring Gas:  Carbon Monoxide, Enhanced CO+ radicals Detection.
  •  Sensor element (cell):- Electrochemical, Electrolyte type Gel based Plug-in type Sensor transmitter.
  •  Measuring Range: – 0-300 ppm (Standard)
  • Connection: – Two wire sensor
  • Response time T90:-  ≤ 50 Sec
  • Warm-up time (First Time):- ≤ 3 Min.
  • Protection Class: IP 44
  • Stability & resolution: – ± 3 ppm
  • Sensor life expectancy:- ≥ 5 years
  • Calibration Interval: 1 Year.
  • Sensor Coverage Area: – 700 m2 to 750m2, ideal condition.
  • Humidity non-condensing : 15-90% RH
  • Working temperature :–10°C to 50°C
  • Power supply:-  18 – 28 VDC ( Overload protected)
  • Analog output signal :- Standard: 4-20 mA Linear Output
  • Flammability: – UL 94: VO
  • Warranty: 12 Month only on manufacturing defects

For Technical Datasheet please click : CO Sensor Datasheet

Sensor : Hazardous Gas Leak Detection

GasAlarm – India in association with ALVI – Australia pleased to offer all types of environmental hazardous gas leak detection sensor transmitter with following description and features:

Microprocessor based gas sensor with 4 – 20 mA / RS485-Modbus output
signal, alarm and fault relays (all SIL2 certified) for monitoring the ambient air
to detect oxygen and toxic gases and vapors by means of an electrochemical
sensor element (el.ch.) or an infrared sensor element. The calibration of
sensors without LCD display is carried out via the calibration device Cal PX or
the PC software PC-Soft 80. Sensors with LCD display have an integrated
calibration routine that is started from the outside by a permanent magnet
without opening the housing. In case of an alarm or a fault the backlight of
sensors with LCD display changes from green to red.
The PolyXeta®2 sensor is used in industrial areas like oil/gas industry, biogas plants, petrochemical
industry, power plants etc. in Ex-Zone 1. The PolyXeta®2 sensor is also suitable for commercial areas
like gas transfer stations etc. With the 4 – 20 mA / RS485-ModBus output signal the sensor is
suitable for connection to the PolyGard®2 gas controller series by MSR-Electronic, as well as to any
other controllers or automation devices. Optionally, the PolyXeta®2 sensor is also available with LCD
display and relay output.
 ATEX and IEC Ex certificates MSR-Electronic for electrical Ex protection
 ATEX metrical test & SIL2 safety functions 4 – 20 mA, RS485 and relay
 Type “Ex d” with flame-proof enclosure
 Continuous monitoring
 Microprocessor with 12 bit converter resolution
 Self-monitoring system
 Easy calibration
 Calibration service by exchanging the sensor head
 Proportional 4 – 20 mA output
 Serial interface to the control center
 Reverse polarity protection
 Overload protection
 LCD display with status LEDs (optional)
 Alarm and fault signal relay (optional)

For more queries  please contact us : info@alviautomation.com

JOLA-Fuel Leakage Detectors

JOLA- Capacitive leakage detectors of the Leckmaster range(for installation in normally dry rooms)

Description : 

For conductive and non-conductive liquids; can basically be used for the detection of all low-viscosity liquids for such tasks as signalling the presence of fuel oil on the floor of a tank room or in a collection tub located underneath a fuel oil burner.

The Leckmaster leakage detectors consist of 2 components:
– a COW/L or OWE 2/C sensor
– a Leckmaster 101 relay.

Example of JOLA Fuel leakage detectors

The COW/L and OWE 2/C sensors are designed for connection to the Leckmaster 101 relay. They work on a capacitive basis. If several sensors are used, a separate Leckmaster 101 relay is required for each sensor.

The COW/L and OWE 2/C sensors can be mounted either

JOLA leak detector

– upright on the floor (using the stand offered by Jola as an option)
– freely suspended by their cable above the floor.

The COW/L and OWE 2/C sensors should only be used in normally dry surroundings
– e.g. in collection rooms or collection tubs.
The Leckmaster 101 relay is designed for U-bar mounting or surface mounting. The various operating statuses are shown by coloured LEDs.

Areas of application:

  • All organic and inorganic liquids with specific dielectric constants between 1.8 and 109.
  • Prerequisite is that these liquids, dependent on the ambient temperature, are present influid form, and that the sensors to be used will be sufficiently wetted. Response height is approx. 12 mm.
Technical Features :

· Housing : PP and cast resin

· Connecting cable : with 5 metres of black TPK connecting cable

· Functional principle : capacitive sensor with gold-plated capacitor plates on epoxy resin backing material

· Self-capacitance : Ceq = 80 nF + 0.2 nF per metre of connecting cable

· Self-inductance : Leq = 0 + 1 μH per metre of connecting cable

· Protection class for the electronics sealed in the housing : IP 65

· Temperature range : – 20°C to + 60°C

· Response height from bottom edge of housing : ≥ 12 mm (depending on the dielectric constant of the liquid)

For more details click here or contact us

MSR Germany Polygard Spc-x3-34xx CO Sensor for Industrial application

MSR Germany Polygard SPC-X3-34XX CO Sensor for a wide range of industrial and commercial applications.


Gas measuring and monitoring controller based on state-of-the-art micro-technology with integrated sensor and internal buzzer for the continuous monitoring of the ambient air and detecting toxic gases and vapours. The SPC-X3-34XX is provided with an input for one external analog transmitter. 4 alarm thresholds per sensor/transmitter are free programmable. Configuration and operation are possible via the logical, simple system menu structure without specific programming knowledge.

The SPC-X3-34XX is suitable for a wide range of industrial and commercial applications. Free programmable parameters and set-points enable the individual adaptation to a variety of applications in the field of gas measuring and monitoring.
Continuous monitoring
Integrated gas sensor
Good resistance to poisoning
Long life expectancy
Modular design (plug-in technology)
Standard version with display/LED/keyboard and internal buzzer
Reverse polarity protected, overload-proof and short-circuit-proof
(0) 4 – 20 mA / (0) 2 – 10V analog signal output
2 x relay outputs 30 VAC/DC, 0,5A
1 binary output, 30 VDC¸ 0,05A
4 – 20 mA input for external transmitter
Different housing versions

Continue reading “MSR Germany Polygard Spc-x3-34xx CO Sensor for Industrial application”

NRTL Certified PolyGard® Sensor Transmitter ADT03-3400 for combustible gases

ALVI  Automation – India (http://www.alviautomation.com)  in association with Gas Alarm Systems – Australia (http://www.gasalarm.co.au) offer  PolyGard® Transmitter ADT03-3400 for combustible gases, NRTL Certified

ADT transmitter with digital processing of the measured
values and temperature compensation for the continuous
monitoring of the ambient air and detection of combustible
gases and vapours. The calibration routine with selective
access release enables the comfortable calibration of the
transmitter. In addition to the standard analog output
(0) 4-20 mA or (0) 2- 10 V DC the ADT-03 is equipped with a
RS-485 interface for different protocols. Two relays with
adjustable switch threshold are available as an option.

Continue reading “NRTL Certified PolyGard® Sensor Transmitter ADT03-3400 for combustible gases”