As lead acid batteries are charged, minute quantities of hydrogen (H2) gas are produced. Normally, the amount of hydrogen generated during charging is not of a sufficient quantity to cause concern. There are instances however, where for various reasons, hydrogen may accumulate to create potentially hazardous gas conditions.
Battery back-up installations for equipment such as telephone switching systems and computers are normally situated in small rooms with little ventilation. This confined space provides an excellent opportunity for hydrogen to accumulate and reach combustible levels.
In most instances, the sensor/transmitter is mounted on the ceiling, while the monitoring panel is mounted outside the room. Any build-up will cause an alarm and/or initiate ventilation.
A second common application is in warehouses where battery powered forklifts are used. Charging stations are commonly lined up in areas where a large number of vehicles can be charged simultaneously. Because of the size and number of batteries, dangerous levels of H2 can accumulate.
Key Factors:
Relative density of hydrogen is 0.069. Therefore sensors should be mounted at or near the ceiling, away from any source of fresh air, which may dilute the sample.
Remote sensors are normally used, with panels being mounted away from hydrogen source.
The customer chose MSR catalytic diffusion system to monitor the battery rooms for hydrogen in the 0-100% LEL range.
The MSR H2 sensors like MA-series, MC2-series and Poly-Xeta 2 series are used for monitoring battery recharging areas.
The Sensors are employed for detecting hydrogen concentration in the air
This explosive hydrogen gas is produced during battery charging.
MSR sensors protect person and equipment against explosions caused by ignition of the hydrogen gas.
MSR MA-series and latest MC2-series are suggested for battery room application like data center inside a commercial building .
MSR Poly-Xeta 2 series are usually suggested for battery room applicator in Industries /Plants . Some industries include: Telecommunications/Computing Utilities, Financial Services, Publishing Transportation Services , Automotive.
CO2 has been a hot topic for a number of years mainly in relation to climate change and government policy. Leaving all of that aside, monitoring and controlling indoor levels of CO2 is important for everyone to consider for health, safety and even energy efficiency.
CO2 is a known indoor pollutant affecting performance in the workplace, at school, and even at the gym. Extreme levels of CO2 can lead to death, particularly in enclosed spaces such as laboratories, some hospital rooms, and breweries. CO2 can have a number of effects on home and workplace health and safety.
Controlling CO2 can also improve building energy efficiency, saving costs by up to 80%, and is even considered in the scoring of Green Star Ratings in building design.
Here, we outline reasons why you should be measuring carbon dioxide levels inside buildings.
1. CO2 can kill you
Outside air has a CO2 concentration around 400ppm and each human breath contains around 30,000ppm. CO2 concentrations greater than 20,000ppm cause panting; above 100,000ppm (10%) CO2 can cause tremors and loss of consciousness; and values above 250,000ppm (25%) can lead to death. CO2 can be hazardous in one of two ways: by displacing oxygen in the blood or acting as a toxin.
2. CO2 can decrease productivity
In the office and classroom, elevated levels of CO2, in the range between 1,000ppm and 2,500ppm, have been found to decrease information utilisation, increase headaches, decrease performance, and increase rates of absenteeism. Generally, CO2 concentrations at 1,000ppm can lead to a statistically significant decrement in decision making performance. CO2 concentrations at 2,500ppm, on the other hand, lead to large and highly significant decrements in decision making performance.
Although CO2 is not the only factor, elevated levels can lead to that feeling of lethargy and tiredness often associated with office workers. Studies have shown that performance, associated with lethargy induced by elevated CO2, can decrease by up to 10% for adults and over 20% for schoolchildren.
3. CO2 can increase rapidly in poorly ventilated rooms
Figure 1 shows how rapidly levels of CO2 can increase in a poorly ventilated office. For example, in a 3.5-by-4-metre sized office with a single occupant, CO2 increased from 500 ppm to over 1,000 ppm within 45 minutes of ventilation cessation.
Figure 1. An example of increasing CO2 concentration in a poorly ventilated office with a single occupant.
Generally, where large numbers of people gather then CO2 will increase rapidly and lead to poor indoor air quality and pollution. In offices, this could be meeting rooms where a number of staff gather for extended periods in confined spaces.
Other places, such as gyms, shopping centres, cafes with soft drink vending machines, or libraries, are increasingly being recognised as indoor environments with elevated CO2 leading to poorer performance.
4. Some locations have naturally high CO2 levels and need to be monitored
There are certain locations where indoor CO2 in an enclosed room or area can potentially reach extreme and life threatening levels.
Any enclosed or poorly ventilated location where CO2 cylinders are stored or used will potentially have harmful levels of atmospheric CO2. Examples of such locations include laboratories and hospitals.
Other spaces where CO2 is regularly used in the manufacturing or work process are also potential areas of harmful levels of CO2. Breweries are potentially extremely hazardous. Pockets of high CO2 can form in tanks and cellars and can quickly lead to death. Even bars, clubs and pubs, where CO2 cylinders are stored in a room, are increasingly required to monitor CO2 levels for workplace safety.
Using CO2 sensors for ventilation control can assist in these cases. However, other systems with audible and visual alarms, such as the can be installed (Figure 2) warning workers and occupants of dangerous levels of CO2. The sensor is installed in the space with the CO2 source and an alarm indicator is placed outside.
5. The novelty factor
Measure indoor levels of CO2 is new to most people. In fact, most people would not have a clue what the CO2 levels in their room are, what they should be, and how they change throughout the day with various factors.
Monitoring CO2 levels with a data logger is interesting, or having a wall-mounted or desktop LCD read-out, showing real-time CO2 levels, is also interesting. Informing your guests that you are controlling the ventilation in your building with a CO2 detector will certainly raise a few eyebrows!
In conclusion, a work or learning place designed for optimal productivity leads to better performance and, ultimately, is better for the bottom line. Monitoring and controlling CO2 levels is one approach to a healthier workplace environment by using cutting edge MSR Germany CO2 sensor range detectors.
For More Details and to avail special offers please contact us
ALVI AUTOMATION INDIA PVT LTD ( a Div of ALVI TECHNOLOGY PTY LTD( also trading as GasAlarm Systems( presents New cutting edge Technology , MSR MC2 Fluorine(F2) Sensor Transmitter
Description :
The sensor unit MC2 houses a module with μController, analog output and power supply in addition to the electrochemical sensor element including amplifier.
The μController calculates a linear 4 – 20 mA (or 2 – 10 V) signal out of the measurement signal and also stores all relevant measured values and data of the sensor element.
Calibration is done either by simply replacing the sensor unit or by using the comfortable, integrated calibration routine directly at the system.
The μGard®2 Sensor MC2 is used for the detection of toxic gases or for oxygen monitoring wherever a typical 4 – 20 mA (or 2 – 10 V) signal is required.
Digital measurement value processing incl. temperature compensation
Internal function control with integrated hardware watchdog
Data / measured values in μC of the sensor unit, therefore simple exchange uncalibrated <> calibrated
High accuracy, selectivity and reliability
Low zero point drift
Long sensor life time
Hardware & software according to SIL2 compliant development process
Easy maintenance and calibration by exchange of the sensor unit or by comfortable on-site calibratio
4 – 20 mA (or 2 – 10 V) analog output with selectable signal output for special mode, fault etc.
Reverse polarity protected, overload and short-circuit proof
Housing for integration of the sensor unit
IP 65 version
The sensor transmitter is housed in a Rugged enclosure (A housing or D housing) which can withstand Dust, Water splash, vibration knocks. It can withstand Harshest outdoor installation requirement including Mining, Defense and Marins applications.
Conformity to
o EN 50271
o EN 61010-1
o ANSI/UL 61010 1
o CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1
o EN 50104 (for O2)
ALVI AUTOMATION INDIA PVT LTD ( a Div of ALVI TECHNOLOGY PTY LTD( also trading as GasAlarm Systems( feels honour in introducing MSR Germany Hydrogen Sensor transmitter with GasAlarm Display Monitoring/Control Panel.
Description for MSR H2 sensor transmitter :
Analog transmitter for monitoring of gases and vapors in the ambient air. It is used for garages, chiller rooms and heating. The μ-Gard analog transmitter series MA is a reliable gas detector.
Application :
For the detection of gases within a wide range of commercial applications Like :
Refinery, petrochemical and natural gas plants
Battery Rooms
Chemical, medication
Environment protection
Electricity, communications
Fire protection
Sewage disposal
Continuous monitoring
Low zero point drift
Poisoning stable
Long life sensor
Easy maintenance / calibration
Reverse polarity protected
Overload protected
4 – 20 mA analog signal output
2-10V analog signal output
IP 44/54/65 protected enclosure
Description of GasAlarm Display Monitoring/Control Panel
ALVI Technologies/ ALVI Automation India / GasAlarm Sydney, Australia, Designed and engineered alarm display unit with following features:
Best part is it can be customized according to the clients requirement
Model no: GasAlarm-1200
1xChannel sensor inputs (4-20 ma)
1×4 digit 7 segment display
2xRelays output
2xlevel alarm set
24VDC power supply for sensor inbuilt of panel
Keypad for setting with preset value for alarm Regeneration
ALVI AUTOMATION INDIA PVT LTD ( a Div of ALVI TECHNOLOGY PTY LTD( also trading as GasAlarm Systems( feels honour in introducing MSR Germany Hydrogen/Combustible Sensor with Custom Built ALVI Display in PPM, %LEL and %Vol With Password Protection.
Description for MSR H2 sensor transmitter :
Analog transmitter for monitoring of gases and vapors in the ambient air. It is used for garages, chiller rooms and heating. The μ-Gard analog transmitter series MA is a reliable gas detector.
Application :
For the detection of gases within a wide range of commercial applications Like :
Refinery, petrochemical and natural gas plants
Battery Rooms
Chemical, medication
Environment protection
Electricity, communications
Fire protection
Sewage disposal
Continuous monitoring
Low zero point drift
Poisoning stable
Long life sensor
Easy maintenance / calibration
Reverse polarity protected
Overload protected
4 – 20 mA analog signal output
2-10V analog signal output
IP 44/54/65 protected enclosure
Description for Custom Built ALVI Display in PPM, %LEL and %Vol With Password Protection
ALVI Technologies / GasAlarm Sydney, Australia, Designed and engineered alarm display unit with following features:
Best part is it can be customized according to the clients requirement
Model no: ALVI-DISP-1200
1 Analog input (4-20mA, from MSR transmitter)
2 Digital Outputs (potential free relay contacts, 230 VAC, 1A)
Touch screen (HMI) for settings
User friendly
2 level alarm set (rising/falling)
Housed in wall mount Metal enclosure
Supply voltage: 230 VAC
230-24VDC SMPS
Fully pre-programmed as below and ready to install
Hydrogen reading will be show in PPM
Hydrogen LEL limit is 4% Vol so display range will be 0-40,000 ppm (1% Vol= 10,000 ppm)
Alarm 1 limit will be set at 10% LEL (4,000 PPM) : changeable
Alarm 2 limit will be set at 20% LEL (8,000 PPM) : changeable
SO2 transmitter including digital measurement value processing and temperature compensation for the continuous monitoring of the ozone concentration in the ambient air. A comfortable calibration routine with selective access release is integrated in the transmitter. The ADT-53 possesses a standard analog output (0) 4- 20 mA or (0) 2– 10 V DC, and an RS-485 interface. 2 relays with adjustable switching thresholds are available as an option.
For the detection of sulphur dioxide within a wide range of industrial and commercial applications. Due to the standard analog signal and the RS-485 interface the SO2 transmitter is compatible to the PolyGard series MGC and DGC by MSR-E as well as to any other electronic control or automation system.
Gas Alarm Systems India( in association with Gas Alarm Systems Australia ( offer MSR Germany Ethylene Sensor for Ripening of Fruit in Cold Storage
Ripening of fruit is a problem, particularly when you want to sell that fruit. If the fruit ripens too early it will be overripe when it gets to the customer. If it is very under-ripe when it gets to the shelf the customer might not want to buy it.
It also causes a problem for transport. Ripening fruit bruises more easily and one spoiled fruit as they say can spoil the whole lot. When you are transporting a truck full of fruit this is a real problem. Fruit travel much better when they are under-ripe. Firmer, they bruise less easily. They are also less susceptible to spoiling. However fruit doesn’t taste good before it is ripe.
Gas Alarm Systems – India ( in association with Gas Alarm Systems – Australia ( offer ADL 51 1110 Carbon Monoxide Gas Data Logger.
Product Description
ADL 51 1110 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Gas Data Logger is a portable gas measuring device with integrated datalogger for the continuous monitoring of the ambient air to detect the presence of toxic gases and vapors, as well as of oxygen. Up to 16,000 measuring values are recorded in the datalogger. For the detection and recording of toxic gases and vapors, as well as of oxygen in a wide range of commercial applications.
Suitable for toxic gases and vapors, as well as for oxygen
Measuring cycle adjustable from 2 sec. to 5 hours
Datalogger for 16,000 measuring values
Data readout via the USB port
Internal rechargeable battery: Lifetime according to sensor type
SPC-23-3440 Single point controller for Hydrogen (H2) gas. Gas measuring and monitoring controller based on state-of-the-art micro- technology with integrated sensor and internal buzzer for the continuous monitoring of the ambient air and detecting toxic gases and vapors. Is suitable for a wide range of industrial and commercial applications.
4 programmable Alarm thresholds per sensor/transmitter
Integrated gas Sensor
Good resistance to poisoning
Long Life expectancy
Modular Design
Standard LCD display / Keyboard / LED and internal buzzer.
(0) 4-20 mA / (0) 2-10V analog signal output
2 x relay outputs 30 VAC/DC, 0.5 A
1 binary output, 30 VDC, 0.05A
4-20 mA input for external transmitter
Easy Calibration
Continuous monitoring
Overload proof / Reverse polarity protected
Optional addons:
230 VAC
Uninterrupted Emergency Power Supply
Duct Mounting
Compatible with input and output to all standard 4-20 mA controllers such as the MGC / DGC and transmitters such as the MSR microgard series
ADL 51 1120 Ammonia (NH3) Gas Data Logger is a portable gas measuring device with integrated datalogger for the continuous monitoring of the ambient air to detect the presence of toxic gases and vapors, as well as of oxygen. Up to 16,000 measuring values are recorded in the datalogger. For the detection and recording of toxic gases and vapors, as well as of oxygen in a wide range of commercial applications.
Suitable for toxic gases and vapors, as well as for oxygen
Measuring cycle adjustable from 2 sec. to 5 hours
Datalogger for 16,000 measuring values
Data readout via the USB port
Internal rechargeable battery: Lifetime according to sensor type
ADL 51 1189 Ethylene (C2H4) Gas Data Logger is a portable gas measuring device with integrated datalogger for the continuous monitoring of the ambient air to detect the presence of toxic gases and vapors, as well as of oxygen. Up to 16,000 measuring values are recorded in the datalogger. For the detection and recording of toxic gases and vapors, as well as of oxygen in a wide range of commercial applications.
Suitable for toxic gases and vapors, as well as for oxygen
Measuring cycle adjustable from 2 sec. to 5 hours
Datalogger for 16,000 measuring values
Data readout via the USB port
Internal rechargeable battery: Lifetime according to sensor type
Microprocessor based gas sensor with 4 – 20 mA / RS485 Modbus output signal, alarm and fault relays (all SIL2 certified) for monitoring the ambient air to detect combustible gases and vapors within the lower explosive limit (LEL) by means of a catalytic sensor element (pellistor) or an infrared sensor element. The calibration of sensors without LCD display is carried out via the calibration device Cal PX or the PC software PC-Soft 80. Sensors with LCD display have an integrated calibration routine that is started from the outside by a permanent magnet without opening the housing. In case of an alarm or failure the backlight of sensors with LCD display changes from green to red. The gas sensor is sealed and thus the housing in zone 1 can be opened during operation at any time (Ex demb[ib]). APPLICATION
The PolyXeta®2 sensor is used in industrial areas like oil/gas industry, biogas plants, petrochemical industry, power plants etc. in Ex-Zone 1. The PolyXeta®2 sensor is also suitable for commercial areas like gas transfer stations etc. With the 4 – 20 mA / RS485-ModBus output signal the sensor is suitable for connection to the PolyGard®2 gas controller series by MSR-Electronic, as well as to any other controller or automation devices. Optionally, the PolyXeta®2 sensor is also available with LCD display and relay output.
Gas Alarm Systems India/Australia offers world-class solutions and products for earliest and accurate fire and smoke monitoring, without giving any false alarms. These products offer warning signals better and earlier than costiest system like VESDA, optical sensors etc.
Gas Alarm offer MSR Germany Electronics Sensor one of the best smoke & fire detector which can be installed at any environment eg.
Gas Alarm offer one of the best smoke & fire detector which can be installed at any environment eg. coal mines, flour mills, pharma, clean rooms, oil & gas, etc. Early Fire detector / transmitter (VEFSA) is designed for detection of earliest sign of smoke & fire, and hence thereby offering better warning detection system, better than VESDA. Using unique detection technology and method, VEFSA offer best fire & smoke detection, without false alarm. These can be implemented at any location with quite easy. VEFSA is compatible for integration to any fire panel and alarm system, be to Siemens, Honeywell, GE etc. VEFSA works in environment and application where none of the conventional smoke & fire detection can work. VEFSA, though being more effective than some of the expensive solutions, it even more easy to implement and integrate, without having much design knowledge.
As VEFSA provide earliest signs of smoke & fire, it buy the critical time needed to investigate an alarm and initiate an appropriate response to prevent injury, property damage or business disruption. VEFSA offer various levels of integrity monitoring to ensure an alert is raised at any time, depending upon criticality of the application and environment. This is not the case with passive devices that are generally only electrically monitored with no ability to determine if smoke can actually reach the detection element. VEFSA offer dual level of alarms which are configurable. This VEFSA to provide very early warning of an event, prompting investigation at the earliest smoldering stage of a fire when it is easily addressed. Other alarm levels may be configured to provide fire alarm inputs to fire systems as well as releasing suppression systems. VEFSa alarm sensitivities are configurable and can be programmed to levels ranging from thousands of times more sensitive than a conventional detector, to much less sensitive.
VEFSA can be implemented across a wide (all) range of industries and applications, with no effect of dust, moisture, vibration, temperature, weather, pressure etc:
Accommodation (Apartments, Hotels, Shops and Offices)
Gas Alarm Systems India( in association with Gas Alarm Systems Australia ( offer MSR Germany μ-gard® Analog CO Transmitter (2-In-1) for Carbon Monoxide with enhanced CO radical detection capability for very early smoldering fire and smoke detection (product of gas radicals generated due to products of combustion fire)
Analog transmitter for monitoring of carbon monoxide gases
and vapors in the ambient air. The product model is equipped with
enhanced capability of monitoring carbon monoxide radicals for
generating earliest signs for smoke and fire. It is ideal for
installation for parking area, garages, chiller rooms and heating,
as well as dusty & humid area like pharmaceuticals, coal mine,
conveyor belt, cement plant, thermal power plants, flour mills,
powder industries. The μ-Gard analog transmitter series MA is a
reliable gas detector.
Gas Alarm Systems India( in association with Gas Alarm Systems Australia ( offer MSR Germany PolyGard® Portable Gas Measuring Device Series ADL-X1-11XX incl. Datalogger for Toxic Gases and Ozone. DESCRIPTION
Portable gas measuring device with integrated datalogger for the continuous monitoring of the ambient air to detect the presence of toxic gases and vapours, as well as of oxygen. Up to 16.000 measuring values are recorded in the datalogger.