Hydrocarbon Sensor, Transmitter, Detector, Analyzer

Gas Alarm India offer Hydrocarbon sensor transmitter / detector/ analyser from MSR Electronic, Germany with following features:

  • Measuring range: 0-100% LEL (lower explosive limit), 0-100% Vol (analysis)
  • Technology: Pellistor / catalytic bead (flammability monitoring), Infra-red
  • Output: 4-20mA, 0-10V, RS485 modbus, Lon, BacNET
  • Enclosure: IP44, IP54, IP65
  • Certificate: UL 61010, UL 2075, ATEX EExd, ATEX EExn, CE
  • Mounting: wall mountable, duct mountable
  • Installation area: safe area, hazardous area, explosion-proof

Application / Industry areas: gas bank, bottling plant, booster station, gas store, pharmaceutical, cylinder store, gems processing, heat processing, furnace, engine room, testing rooms, automobile, defense, warship, annealing plant, chemical plants, oil & gas, fire safety, domestic gas pipeline, kitchen, refinery, food processing, cement, bearing, machine industry, swimming pool, combustion area, bakery, commercial, hotels, mines, confined space, gasifer, stockyard, oil wells, biogas plant, landfill, boiler plant, thermal power plants etc


  • Reverse polarity protected
  • Poisoning protected
  • Low flashing temperature for longer sensor
  • Modular architecture
  • Manual calibration
  • Expected life > 3 years, > 15 years
  • Low response time
  • Sleep protection

Continue reading “Hydrocarbon Sensor, Transmitter, Detector, Analyzer”

Gas Detection in Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater treatment plants are designed to treat all municipal waste. The process of water purification results in the by-product of harmful combustible and toxic gases. Toxic gases used on site can build up in confined spaces or working environments, depleting Oxygen and making those locations highly dangerous. To ensure the safety of both personnel working at wastewater treatment plants and the environment in which treated wastewater is discharged, gas detection in wastewater treatment is an essential part of any safety program.

The process of wastewater treatment involves various stages:

  • pumping stations, where water is stored and pumped into the treatment facilities
  • Primary treatment
  • Secondary treatment
  • Water disinfection

Each treatment stage the wastewater goes through – involves hazardous gases that may be already present, are produced or are added to complete the process .The gas hazards vary considerably depending on the application, location and treatment process.To ensure the safety of the workers, equipment and the facility, every area presenting a gas hazard should be monitored, including the gas storage rooms, ozone generator room and any room that gas passes through.

Hazardous gases found in wastewater treatment facilities include:

Combustible Gases:

  • Methane (CH4 )
  • Pentane (C5 H12)
  • Hydrogen (H2 )
  • Oxygen (O2 ) Deficiency

Toxic Gases:

  • Hydrogen Sulphide (H2 S)
  • Carbon Monoxide (CO)
  • Chlorine (Cl2 )
  • Sulphur Dioxide (SO2 )
  • Ozone (O3 )
  • Mercaptans
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (H2 O2 )
  • Ammonia (NH3 )

Continue reading “Gas Detection in Wastewater Treatment”

All You Need to Know About HC (Methane-CH4) Detector

What Is Methane Gas?

  • Methane is a colourless, tasteless, odourless gas and has the chemical formula CH4 – methane is the main component of natural gas. It is made up of one atom of carbon and four atoms of hydrogen.
  • Methane is produced naturally by the process of methanogenesis and is found under the ground and in seabed locations – it is commonly used in chemical industries and also for electricity generation.
  • Methane is non-toxic but highly explosive
  • Production of Methane gas occurs naturally in many industries including waste disposal, mining, oil and gas, petrochemical and the energy sector.

Where is Methane Gas Used?

  • Methane gas is commonly used in chemical industries and is used to refine petrochemicals. It is also used as a fuel and is burned in gas turbines or steam generators to produce electricity.
  • Methane is widely used domestically for heating and cooking in homes
  • Methane is the main component of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Methane is generated by the decomposition of biodegradable solid waste as well as animal and human waste. It is therefore commonly present in landfill sites and sewage treatment works.
  • As Methane is an incredibly potent, hazardous greenhouse gas it is important to not only manage storage and production but also re-use and recycle the gas. Methane emissions represent a profitable solution to global climate change.
  • The most common anthropogenic sources of methane gas are agriculture, mining, landfills and natural gas oil activities.

Why Is Methane Gas Dangerous? 

  • Methane is not generally considered a toxic gas however, it is extremely flammable even in low concentrations when mixed with other chemicals – it is also an asphyxiant as it will displace oxygen. This is particularly dangerous in confined spaces working.
  • In order to create a fire/explosion, you need three things:
    • Oxygen
    • An ignition source and
    • A fuel
  • Take away the oxygen and you remove the risk of explosion – in contrast, high levels of oxygen will cause fuels to burn faster and more vigorously. For an explosive atmosphere to exist, a certain ratio of oxygen and fuel must exist. The ratio differs depending on the fuel.

In the gas detection industry, such ratios are known as lower explosion limits (LEL) and upper explosion limits. (UEL) in %Vol

%Vol limit

Methane Gas: LEL & UEL

  • LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) is defined as “the minimum concentration of a particular combustible gas necessary to support its combustion in air.” Concentrations below this level will not burn. The UEL (Upper Explosive Limit) is defined as “the highest concentration (percentage) of a gas or a vapor in air capable of producing a flash of fire in presence of an ignition source.”
  • The range between LEL and UEL is referred to as the flammable range and as the name suggests is when fire/explosions will occur.
  • As can be seen from the table, the LEL for methane(HC) is 5% Vol and UEL is 15% Vol. Concentrations of 9% Vol are thought to be the most volatile. It may sound strange but concentrations above 15% Vol will not be explosive as the air is too saturated with methane. However, this is when asphyxiation can be just as hazardous.
  • Our MSR sensor is calibrated on LEL scale i.e. 0-5% Vol = 0- 100% LEL therefore we prefer to set a alarm level or actuate exhaust fan at 25% LEL, which = 1.25% Vol (HC)CH4
  • Asphyxiation becomes a risk when there are high concentrations of methane. This is because the methane displaces the oxygen. We need approximately 18% Vol oxygen to breath, levels below 16% Vol can be dangerous and levels below 10% Vol can cause immediate loss of consciousness and inevitably death. Working in confined spaces can be extremely dangerous if exposure to methane (or any other gas for that matter) is considered a risk.

Sensor Technology Used

  • There are two technologies used to manufacture Methane Sensors, Catalytic Bead and Infrared sensor technologies.
  • Catalytic Bead Sensors, infrared sensors, and are prone to being poisoned by silicone, lead, sulfur and halogenated compounds. They also require frequent calibration and although less costly than an Infrared sensor, require replacement on a more frequent basis. Because they are lower in cost, some end users still prefer to use Catalytic Bead Sensors as a Methane Sensor, especially where there could be other combustible solvent vapors present that the Catalytic Bead Sensor will detect, while an Infrared sensor would not.
  • As a Methane Sensor, Infrared sensor technology has now become the dominant Methane Gas Sensor in a fixed gas detection system for combustible detection of hazardous levels of methane in air. Because an Infrared Methane Sensor does not require oxygen to operate, Infrared Methane Sensors can also be used in a 0-100% by LEL methane or other hydrocarbon gas process gas environment, such as in natural gas pipelines, utility applications and bio gas applications.
  • A Catalytic Bead Methane Sensor works as a simple Wheatstone bridge circuit, where an active and reference filament wound from platinum wire with a palladium based catalyst changes the proportional resistance between the active and reference bead of the methane sensor in proportion to the amount of methane detected in a background of air.
  • Infrared Gas Detection instruments that use infrared methane sensors often use two wavelengths of infrared energy, with one active wavelength used for gas absorption, and the other as a reference wavelength to compensate the output signal of the Infrared Detection system for the effects of temperature and humidity.

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Phosphine (pH3) Gas Sensor, Transmitter for Food Processing /Pharmaceutical Industries.

Gas Alarm India in association with Gas Alarm Systems – Australia offer Phosphine (PH3) sensor transmitter / detector/ analyser from MSR Electronic, Germany with following features:

  • Measuring range: 0-5 ppm
  • Technology: Electrochemical (analysis, toxic monitoring)
  • Output: 4-20mA, 0-10V, RS485 modbus, Lon, BacNET
  • Enclosure: IP44, IP54, IP65
  • Certificate: UL 61010, UL 2075, ATEX EExd, ATEX EExn, CE
  • Mounting: wall mountable, duct mountable
  • Installation area: safe area, hazardous area, explosion-proof

Application areas: oxidisation, hospitals, oil & gas, landfill, chemical, refrigerant, paint, process, fertilizer, glass, semiconductor, pharmaceutical, chillar plant, cylinder store, furnace, steel, engine room, testing rooms, automobile, thermal power plant, defence, warship, cooling rooms, annealing plant, formulation plant, food processing, cracking unit, refinery, storage plants, clean room, oxygen depletion, grain storage, fumigation,

Key features:

  • Reverse polarity protected
  • Gel based eletrolyte
  • Poisoning protected
  • Capable of mounting in any direction, with no effect on performance, output and life of these sensors (no orientation problems)
  • Modular architecture
  • Manual calibration
  • Expected life > 3 years
  • Low response time
  • Sleep protection
  • Microprocessor based value processing with temperature, moisture, dust, vibration compensation
  • High amplitude, low frequency and low amplitude, high frequency compensation
  • with industrial designed hydrophobic filter
  • Capable for field calibration with zero and span/gain trimpots and have low calibration and maintenance cost
  • Have IMMUNITY TO RF/FM INTERFERENCE as per the guidelines of EMC- Directive 2004/ 108/ EEC

Continue reading “Phosphine (pH3) Gas Sensor, Transmitter for Food Processing /Pharmaceutical Industries.”

LPG Gas Detector for Commercial And Industrial Application with SIL2(Safety Integrity Level) Certification

ALVI Automation India Pvt Ltd/GasAlarm (www.alviautomation.com) a Div of ALVI Tecnologies Pty Ltd(www.alvi.com.au) also trading as GasAlarm Systems(www.gasalarm.com.au) presents New cutting edge Technology , MSR MC2 LPG Sensor Transmitter with SIL2 certified

Description :

  • The sensor unit MC2 houses a module with μController, analog output and power supply in addition to the Catalytic Pellistor sensor element including amplifier.
  • The μController calculates a linear 4 – 20 mA (or 2 – 10 V) signal out of the measurement signal and also stores all relevant measured values and data of the sensor element.
  • Calibration is done either by simply replacing the sensor unit or by using the comfortable, integrated calibration routine directly at the system.


The μGard®2 Sensor MC2 is used for the detection of toxic gases or for oxygen monitoring wherever a typical 4 – 20 mA (or 2 – 10 V) signal is required.


  • Digital measurement value processing incl. temperature compensation
  • Internal function control with integrated hardware watchdog
  • Data / measured values in μC of the sensor unit, therefore simple exchange uncalibrated <> calibrated
  •  High accuracy, selectivity and reliability
  •  Low zero point drift
  •  Long sensor life time
  •  Hardware & software according to SIL2 compliant development process
  •  Easy maintenance and calibration by exchange of the sensor unit or by comfortable on-site calibratio
  •  4 – 20 mA (or 2 – 10 V) analog output with selectable signal output for special mode, fault etc.
  • Reverse polarity protected, overload and short-circuit proof
  •  Housing for integration of the sensor unit
  •  IP 65 version
  • The sensor transmitter is housed in a Rugged enclosure (A housing or D housing) which can withstand Dust, Water splash, vibration knocks. It can withstand Harshest outdoor installation requirement including Mining, Defense and Marins applications.
  • Conformity to

o EN 50271
o EN 61010-1
o ANSI/UL 61010 1
o CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1
o EN 50104 (for O2)

ADT MC2 sensor


MC2 IP54MC2-D-P3480-A-0

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Cost Efficient Standalone Toxic/Combustible Gas Monitoring and Control System

ALVI Automation/GasAlarm-India in association with ALVI Tehnologies Pty Ltd also trading as GasAlarm Systems presents the all new Cost Efficient Standalone Toxic/Combustible Gas Monitoring and control system, designed and engineered by ALVI


  • Simple mechanism for Gas detection
  • Unmatched precision and accuracy
  • Longer functional life

Technical Features of MSR Germany Sensor

  • 4 – 20 mA (or 2 – 10 V) analog output with selectable signal output for special mode, fault etc.
  • IP 54 Polycarbonate enclosure with features :
  1. Rough rugged impact resistant polycarbonate protection
  2. Glass fibre reinforced
  3. Ultra violet protection
  4. Knocks and vibration proof
  • Hardware & software according to SIL2(Safety Integrity Level) compliant development process
  • Digital measurement value processing incl. temperature compensation
  • Internal function control with integrated hardware watchdog
  • Data / measured values in μC of the sensor unit, therefore simple exchange uncalibrated <> calibrated
  • High accuracy, selectivity and reliability
  • Low zero point drift
  • Long sensor life time
  • Easy maintenance and calibration by exchange of the sensor unit or by comfortable on-site calibration
  • Reverse polarity protected, overload and short-circuit proof
  • Housing for integration of the sensor unit
  • IP 54 version also available in IP 65 version

Technical Features of Stand Alone Display ad Monitoring Panel with  Builtin MSR Detector

  • 1x 4 digit 7 segment display or Touch Screen HMI 7” display to show MSR gas sensor reading and to set alarm output limit.
  • 1x Channel sensor analog inputs (4-20 mA or 2-10V from Sensor) (Customizable)
  • 2x Relays output  (Potential free relay contacts 230VAC, 1A) (Customizable) 
  • Inbuilt SMPS 24VDC
  • Operating Voltage : 230 VAC
  • Housed in plastic enclosure (also available in metal panel on request)
  • Keypad for setting
  • Rising / Falling alarm facility
  • User friendly
  • Fully pre-programmed as per customer requirement and ready to install



For more details please contact us

Car Park Ventilation & Fan Control System

Gas Alarm India in association with Gas Alarm systems Australia takes pride to offer     carbon monoxide (CO) sensor transmitter / detector/ analyser from MSR Electronic- Germany with complete PLC Display Control  and Fan monitoring Systems.

Application areas: Car park ventilation, combustion, furnace ventilation, producer gas leakage monitoring, coal gas monitoring, coal area, thermal power plants, blast furnace, kitchen etc.
System Features: 
• Measuring range: 0-300ppm / 0-1000ppm
• Sensor Technology: Electrochemical (analysis, toxic monitoring)
• Output: 4-20mA, 0-10V, RS485 modbus, Lon, BacNET
• Enclosure: IP65, IP44, IP54
• Certificate: UL 61010, UL 2075, ATEX EExd, ATEX EExn, CE
• Mounting: wall mountable, duct mountable
• Installation area: safe area, hazardous area, explosion-proof
• Reverse polarity protected
• Gel based eletrolyte
• Poisoning protected
• Capable of mounting in any direction, with no effect on performance, output and life of these sensors (no orientation problems)
• Modular architecture
• Manual calibration
• Expected life > 3 years
• Low response time
• Sleep protection
• Microprocessor based value processing with temperature, moisture, dust, vibration compensation
• High amplitude, low frequency and low amplitude, high frequency compensation
• with industrial designed hydrophobic filter
• Capable for field calibration with zero and span/gain trimpots and have low calibration and maintenance cost
• Have IMMUNITY TO RF/FM INTERFERENCE as per the guidelines of EMC- Directive 2004/ 108/ EEC.


Application of MSR H2 Sensor Transmitter in Battery Room

As lead acid batteries are charged, minute quantities of hydrogen (H2) gas are produced. Normally, the amount of  hydrogen generated during charging is not of a sufficient quantity to cause concern. There are instances however, where for various reasons, hydrogen may accumulate to create potentially hazardous gas conditions.

Battery back-up installations for equipment such as telephone switching systems and computers are normally situated in small rooms with little ventilation. This confined space provides an excellent opportunity for hydrogen to accumulate and reach combustible levels.

In most instances, the sensor/transmitter is mounted on the ceiling, while the monitoring panel is mounted outside the room. Any build-up will cause an alarm and/or initiate ventilation.

MC2 Pic

A second common application is in warehouses where battery powered forklifts are used. Charging stations are commonly lined up in areas where a large number of vehicles can be charged simultaneously. Because of the size and number of batteries, dangerous levels of H2 can accumulate.

Key Factors:

  • Relative density of hydrogen is 0.069. Therefore sensors should be mounted at or near the ceiling, away from any source of fresh air, which may dilute the sample.
  • Remote sensors are normally used, with panels being mounted away from hydrogen source.
  • The customer chose MSR catalytic diffusion system to monitor the battery rooms for hydrogen in the 0-100% LEL range.
  • The MSR H2 sensors like MA-series, MC2-series and Poly-Xeta 2 series are used for monitoring battery recharging areas.
  • The Sensors are employed for detecting hydrogen concentration in the air
  • This explosive hydrogen gas is produced during battery charging.
  • MSR sensors protect person and equipment against explosions caused by ignition of the hydrogen gas.
  • MSR MA-series and latest MC2-series are suggested for battery room application like data center inside a commercial building .
  • MSR Poly-Xeta 2 series are usually suggested for battery room applicator in Industries /Plants . Some industries include: Telecommunications/Computing Utilities, Financial Services, Publishing Transportation Services , Automotive.

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Gas Detection in Zone 1 and Zone 2 Hazardous Area.

Hazardous locations are areas where flammable liquids, gases or vapors or combustible dusts exist in sufficient quantities to produce an explosion or fire. Hazardous area are classified in different Zones. Zone 1 is an environment in which there is an intermittent chance that combustible gas will be present under normal operating conditions and Zone 2 is where the presence of dangerous levels of combustible gas only occurs under abnormal operating conditions. At ALVI/GasAlarm, we offer various solutions for hazardous area gas detection for Zone 1 and Zone 2 applications.

The IECEx and SIL2 approved PolyXeta II sensors offers increased optimization and operational safety for your plant.

For further detailed information Please mail us on the below :  info@alviautomation.com

Ethylene Sensor for Fruit Ripening Chamber

Fruit Ripening on Demand

Throughout the life cycle of plants ethylene (c2h4) is used as a hormone to regulate factors such as flower opening and leaf shedding. It is also used to trigger fruit ripening. This mechanism can be used to artificially ripen fruit by exposing them to controlled levels of ethylene gas.
Ethylene is created in commercial ripening rooms using catalytic generators that transform liquid ethanol into ethylene gas. Over a period of between 24 and 48 hours fruit is exposed to the gas at concentrations of between 500 and 2,000ppm.
The ethylene stimulates the fruit to begin the ripening process. By controlling the levels of exposure to the gas the fruit can be brought to the perfect level of ripeness for distribution. Depending on the distance of the distribution center from the stores they supply the fruit can be brought to a suitable ripeness.
Controlling gas levels
Because the levels of ethylene need to be carefully controlled in artificial ripening centers some form of gas monitoring is required to precisely determine the levels of gas. This monitoring system can be set up to automatically control the ethylene gas production as well as ventilation systems to remove excess gas. Alarm systems can be set up to warn of gases reaching excessive or dangerous levels.
Msr ethylene gas monitors should also be installed in areas surrounding the ripening facility to ensure containment and worker safety. Ethylene like many hydrocarbons is combustible, creating a serious hazard. It can also asphyxiate at high enough concentrations and can operate as an anesthetic making it particularly dangerous to humans.
Monitoring gas levels in adjoining rooms will ensure workers are alerted to any leaks or hazardous levels of gas.

Car Park Ventilation Monitoring System

For the air quality monitoring in car parks, ALVI Automation in   association with Alvi- Australia can offer an innovative exchangeable sensor “X-Change” that can be replaced without a specialist company.

Monitoring Car Park Ventilation

Whether in underground parkings, tunnels or loading zones – even the smallest gas leakage must immediately be detected, located and reported. The sensors specially optimized for the different gas types CO / NO / NO2 / LPG work selectively in the defined hazard area.

Our PolyGard®2 sensors in conjunction with sophisticated controllers and obligatory warning devices primarily monitor the air quality required for health and also reliably supervise the plant. Revolutionary exchangeable sensor X-Change provides cost savings and independence.

Gas detection systems must not only meet the latest technological standards, but also the latest legal requirements. From time to time, but at least every 2 years, these gas sensors have to be adjusted or recalibrated in order to ensure proper monitoring.

The necessary calibration of the sensors has been a very complicated procedure so far: the underground garage operator was dependent on an external certified specialist who had to come regularly for the on-site calibration of the sensors, costing a lot of time and money.

Thanks to the exchangeable sensor X-CHANGE the recalibrations becomes a home game. We now send the car park operator the newly calibrated sensor heads on request, which can be exchanged independently according to the principle Plug & Play with little effort and in a short time! This means significant time and cost savings.

At Alvi Automation-India , we offer perfect solutions for the gas detection technology in many applications. Our individually configurable and flexibly integrated solutions ensure the best protection for people and the reliable surveillance of plants in closed buildings in critical situations.

Please contact us for further information.

MSR Germany Polygard Spc-x3-34xx CO Sensor for Industrial application

MSR Germany Polygard SPC-X3-34XX CO Sensor for a wide range of industrial and commercial applications.


Gas measuring and monitoring controller based on state-of-the-art micro-technology with integrated sensor and internal buzzer for the continuous monitoring of the ambient air and detecting toxic gases and vapours. The SPC-X3-34XX is provided with an input for one external analog transmitter. 4 alarm thresholds per sensor/transmitter are free programmable. Configuration and operation are possible via the logical, simple system menu structure without specific programming knowledge.

The SPC-X3-34XX is suitable for a wide range of industrial and commercial applications. Free programmable parameters and set-points enable the individual adaptation to a variety of applications in the field of gas measuring and monitoring.
Continuous monitoring
Integrated gas sensor
Good resistance to poisoning
Long life expectancy
Modular design (plug-in technology)
Standard version with display/LED/keyboard and internal buzzer
Reverse polarity protected, overload-proof and short-circuit-proof
(0) 4 – 20 mA / (0) 2 – 10V analog signal output
2 x relay outputs 30 VAC/DC, 0,5A
1 binary output, 30 VDC¸ 0,05A
4 – 20 mA input for external transmitter
Different housing versions

Continue reading “MSR Germany Polygard Spc-x3-34xx CO Sensor for Industrial application”

Hazardous Gas Detection and Real Time Monitoring Sensor

MSR Germany has a variety of hazardous gas detectors to help you maintain a safe work environment. Choosing the proper gas monitoring equipment for the workplace is important in preventing worker exposure.

Our fixed monitoring systems and MSR controllers with remote gas monitoring sensor/transmitters utilize an array of sensor technologies allowing us to custom design a system that will provide the best solution for our customer’s gas detection requirements.

These various gas detection systems provide continuous real-time monitoring of a variety of hazardous toxic and combustible gases as well as oxygen with certifications like ATEX, SIL2 and IEC-Ex all under one roof.

Applications include industrial, commercial and manufacturing processes, oil and gas, petrochemicals, specialty chemicals, industrial refrigeration, water and wastewater treatment, plastics and fibers, pulp and printing, agriculture, medical and pharmaceutical and much more.

For more details please contact us

IECEx approved gas detection in oil and gas industry

The day-today operational processes in Oil & Gas Industry involve exploration, drilling, production, transportation, storage and distribution in order to yield the refined product.

All such processes are quite complex and are associated with inherent hazards from the combustible of product themselves or toxic gas emission. Gas detection is critical to protect the personnel and plant from such hazards.

The facilities at Oil & Gas could have hazardous levels of explosive gas or vapour that could possibly ignite and cause fire or explosions. The electrical equipment needs to be certified for the area in which it has to be installed.

Such hazardous area that contains combustible or flammable mixtures of vapours or gases are classified according to the likelihood of the flammable mixture being present and the nature of the mixture so present. Gas detectors installed in hazardous areas necessarily has to conform to the area classification for that area.

At GasAlarm Systems, we offer Gas Detection sensors with IECEx approval to withstand the most demanding environments. Our PolyXeta II sensors with IECEx approval is an ideal solution for the gas detection in hazardous areas.

The sensors are classified into three main categories:

  • Polyxeta II series Sensor with Ex demb[ib] Zone 1: For combustible and toxic gases, intrinsically safe, can be opened in Zone 1 without disconnecting
  • Polyxeta II series Sensor with Zone 1: For combustible and toxic gases, with Zone 1 flameproof enclosure
  • Polyxeta II series with Zone 2: For combustible and toxic gases, with Zone 2 flame-proof enclosure

Continue reading “IECEx approved gas detection in oil and gas industry”

Sensor For ventilation and desmoking in parking garages

ALVI Automation(www.alviautomation.com) & Gas Alarm Systems – Australia(www.gasalarm.com.au) in association with  MSR-Electronic- Germany(www.msr-electronic.de),  you can improve the safety, the efficiency and the competitiveness.
MSR-Electronic knows the safety standards worldwide and implements them as one of the first companies in the gas alarm industry, e. g.:
• EN 50545 / SIL 2 / EN 50271
• OVE / ÖNORM Plus EN 50545-1:2013
• CSN EN 50545-1
• UL 2075 / Title 24
Failure protection
The safety systems by MSR-Electronic do not end at the standard and thus increase the failure
protection of your ventilation systems.

Extended safety
Due the application of the latest system electronics from MSR-Electronic not only the service
life of the ventilation systems can be extended. The safety and therefore the building value
will be increased significantly. Thus you absolutely improve the efficiency of your products.

Worldwide safety
The safety of the MSR-Electronic products observes global regulations and standards. So they
can be used in all systems of the world, e.g.:
• EN 50545 / SIL 2 / EN 50271
• OVE/ÖNORM Plus EN 50545-1:2013
• CSN EN 50545-1