According to 94/9/EC, a device that is to be used in an environment at risk of explosion may only be brought into the market if it satisfies the standards specified in the norm.
Compared with the previous directives, it must be noted that the specification refers not only to electrical but also to mechanical equipment (e.g. cylinders).
Devices are divided into categories and groups to accurately define the conditions of use. This definition is marked on the device and may appear as follows:
Fig: Symbols representing in Equipment Marking
Device Groups:
There are 2 groups of devices. Devices of Group I, Category M are for use in underground mines and their above-ground equipment, which are at risk from firedamp and/or inflammable dust. All other areas at risk of explosion are combined in Device Group II.
EEx defines that this is an electrical device.
Ignition protection class:
This defines which measures are used to ensure explosion protection. The following ignition protection classes are used: m = Encapsulation, ia = Intrinsic safety, c = Safe by design Other ignition protection classes are defined in EN 50014: 1997. It should be noted that devices in ignition protection class ia may only be supplied from circuits that are certified to be intrinsically safe.
Explosion group:
Device group II is sub-divided into Explosion Groups A, B or C. This classification is dependent on the typical material properties of the gases and vapors that occur. The hazard level of materials increases from Explosion Group IIA to IIC. The requirements for the devices increase accordingly. If a device is approved for IIC, it can be used for all other explosion groups. Alternatively, the chemical formula or the name of the material can be stated here.
Temperature class:
It must be ensured that the ignition temperature of an inflammable material is not reached during operation. For this purpose, the maximum surface temperature of a device must be less than the minimum ignition temperature.
For this reason, the maximum surface temperature of equipment for use with inflammable gases, vapors or mists is specified in temperature classes. For dusty environments, the maximum surface temperature is specified in °C.
Temperature class
The maximum permissible surface temperature of the equipment (°C)
450 °C
300 °C
200 °C
135 °C
100 °C
85 °C
The categories define which zones the devices may be used in. The classification states how frequently and in what concentration the ignitable mixture occurs. Furthermore, differentiation is made as to whether the hazard is due to gases, vapors and mists or due to dust.
Category 1:
For devices, which guarantee a very high level of safety. Intended for the case where an atmosphere at risk of explosion is to be expected frequently or continuously. Devices in this category can also be used in Category 2 and 3.
Inflammable gases, vapors or mists
Zone 0 equivalent to Category 1G
Area in which an atmosphere at risk of explosion as a mixture of air and inflammable gases, vapors or mists is continuously or frequently present or present for long periods.
Inflammable dusts
Zone 20 equivalent to Category 1D
Area in which an atmosphere at risk of explosion in the form of a cloud of inflammable dust contained in the air is continuously or frequently present or present for long periods.
Category 2:
For devices, which guarantee a high level of safety. Intended for the case where an atmosphere at risk of explosion is to be expected. Devices in this category can also be used in Category 3.
Inflammable gases, vapors or mists
Zone 1 equivalent to Category 2G
Area in which an atmosphere at risk of explosion as a mixture of air and inflammable gases, vapors or mists can form occasionally during normal operation.
Inflammable dusts
Zone 21 equivalent to Category 2D
Area in which an atmosphere at risk of explosion in the form of a cloud of inflammable dust contained in the air can form occasionally during normal operation.
Category 3:
For devices, which guarantee a normal level of safety. Intended for the case where an atmosphere at risk of explosion is to be expected rather infrequently and, if so, for only short periods.
Inflammable gases, vapors or mists
Zone 2 equivalent to Category 3G
Area in which an atmosphere at risk of explosion as a mixture of air and inflammable gases, vapors or mists does not normally occur at all or only for short periods during normal operation.
Inflammable dusts
Zone 22 equivalent to Category 3D
Area in which an atmosphere at risk of explosion in the form of a cloud of inflammable dust contained in the air does not normally occur at all or only for short periods during normal operation.
For more information please write us a mail to
Particulate matter (PM) is a particle pollution, which is produced in a great number of ways that can be classified into either mechanical or chemical processes. Traditionally, the environmental sciences have divided particles into two main groups PM10 and PM2.5. PM10 is particles between 2.5 and 10 microns (micrometers) in diameter (a human hair is about 60 micron in diameter).
PM2.5 is particles smaller than 2.5 microns. PM2.5 and PM10 have different material compositions and can come from different places. The smaller the particle the longer it can remain suspended in the air before settling. PM2.5 can stay in the air from hours to weeks and travel very long distances because it is smaller and lighter.
PM2.5 can get down into the deepest (alveolar) portions of the lungs when the gas exchange occurs between the air and your blood stream. These are the most dangerous particles because the alveolar portion of the lungs has no efficient means of removing them and if the particles are water soluble, they can pass into the bloodstream within minutes. If they are not water soluble, they remain in the alveolar portion of the lungs for a long time.
When the small particles go deeply into the lungs and become trapped this can result in lung disease, emphysema and/or lung cancer in some cases.
The main effects associated with exposure to particulate matter may include: premature mortality, aggravation of respiratory and cardiovascular disease (indicated by increased hospital admissions and emergency room visits, school absences, loss of work days, and restricted activity days) aggravated asthma, acute respiratory symptoms, chronic bronchitis, decreased lung function and increased myocardial infarction.
There are many varieties of particulate pollutants in our homes and offices. Ones from outside include industrial sources, construction sites, combustion sources, pollen, and numerous others. Particles are also generated by all kinds of normal indoor activity ranging from cooking, walking across the carpet, your pets, sofa or beds, air conditioners etc. Any movement or vibration can create airborne particles!
How to improve air quality in your home and office:
The first thing you need to do is monitoring your indoor air quality every day. The monitoring information will let you evaluate the indoor air quality.
The IAQ -PM2.5 will let you know if the steps you are taking to improve your air quality are really working or not especially let you know if a $500 air purifier works any better than a $200 one. This will really help you to save money.
The concentration of PM2.5 probably has much difference due to the different purpose of the rooms.
The most effective way to improve indoor air quality is, detecting each room and treatment of air purification for the important rooms, such as living room and bedrooms.
IAQ -PM2.5 supply you a real-time and accurate information, it can help you to be sharp-eyed and clearheaded.
Please make sure the filters of indoor HVAC systems are clean, otherwise, need to clean or replace filters. The unclean filter is one of the sources of indoor particle pollution.
Please notice it’s very important for the quantity and location of air purifiers or air cleaners. Now you need the help of the real-time monitor information of PM2.5 by IAQ-PM2.5.
Models IAQ -PM2.5-300H: PM2.5 Indicator with temperature & RH, 6 colors backlit LCD IAQ -PM2.5-340H: PM2.5 Indicator with temperature & RH, 6 colors backlit LCD. Modbus RS485 interface
IAQ -PM2.5 indicator is far different from those built in PM2.5 sensors!
Features of -PM2.5
Built-in professional duct sensor with optical IR LED sensing method. Real-time monitor indoor PM2.5 concentration.
Built in high accuracy temperature & RH sensor, monitor indoor air temperature & RH. Using our unique technology of compensating method, and up to nine calibration points, to guarantee IAQ -PM2.5 measurements accuracy in different environments.
LCD displays the real-time measurement and moving average value of PM2, as well as real-time temperature and RH measurements.
Special design six backlit LCD for six levels of PM2.5, in straight and clear read.
long-term security power supply: 5VDC with a power adaptor
Option: RS485 interface with Modbus protocol
Users can know very well the indoor PM2.5 concentration, and can easily select an air purifier/air cleaner. Not only see a visible effect of indoor air clean but also have a reasonable use of an air cleaning device.
CO Car Park Auto-Ventilation Automation System is specially designed PLC based control unit or programmable control unit for ventilation monitoring & control. It receives signals from various gas detector units, processes and generates control events based on pre-defined parameters. Based on pre-defined logic, it will operate, regulate, stop-start axial / jet fans, alarm units, ventilation system – Fire dampers etc.
Our system is designed on Analog/Digital communication based programmable logic controller (PLC) system. Due to its unique features, we can fetch signals from as high as 256 detector units, connected in 2-wire fashion. Thus, this architecture not only saves huge capital investment on system installation (cable purchase cost, laying cost), but also on design, implementation, integration and maintenance.
With its advanced feature, it can remotely control onboard potential free relays on detector unit, thereby remote triggering the Exhaust Fans/Alarms / Axial fan control etc.
It also offers signal readout of each detection units 24/7, fault recognition in the system, location of fault, location of alarm, in text as well as graphical manner via a Full LCD 7-inch screen. our system is equipped with a colored LCD display, thus offering onsite user friendly control and system configuration.
With its inbuilt digital output, it can be integrated with fire alarm system to generate a fire signal.
Key Features of CO Gas detection unit: (Model: GAS-CO-300-D)
Capable of providing continuous, online measurement and monitoring of CO concentration in ambient air, ducted air
Measuring range: 0-300 ppm CO
Based on electro-chemical galvanic (Gel electrolyte) technology with low evaporation rate with gold plated terminals
Capable of monitoring CO+ Gas radicals, for vert early fire & Smoke detection
Response time < 30 sec
Sensor has high fidelity with no sensitivity of background gases
Offer Analog 4-20mA output
No affect by temperature, humidity, vibration, moisture and other parameters
Equipped with the hydrophobic arrangement as well as maintaining pressure equalization, to protect electronics from dust, moisture, oils and pressure
Has the capability to transmit signals over distance 0-1 Km depending on the type of cable used
Fire retardant UL94: V2 rated polycarbonate Enclosure
Wall mountable without need of further mounting bracket etc.
IP65 protected polycarbonate housing
Optional: Duct mountable arrangement.
Sensor element poisoning protected
Overflooding and overexposure protection
Sensor life expectancy > 6 years
Capable of mounting in any direction, with no effect on performance, output and life of these sensors (no orientation problems)
Reverse polarity and short circuit protection
Low voltage operation
CE, EMC Directives 2014/30/EU certified
Should have immunity to RF/FM INTERFERENCE as per the guidelines of EMC Directives 2014/30/EU
Standards and Approval Compliance:
EMC Directives 2014/30/EU CE IP 65/66 (EN 60529/ DIN VDE – 0470-1) Impact Resistant IK08 (DIN EN5012/VDE 0470 segment 100) UL508 & CSA C22.2 No. 14-13Certified Enclosure for industrial control Equipment UL50 & CSA 22.2 No. 94.1-07 Certified Enclosure for Electrical Equipment
Key Specifications of Controller Unit:
Monitor 1 to 256 detection units, based on Analog architecture.
Programmable in accordance to the user-defined control logic.
230VAC operational supply, with the auxiliary power supply to connected detection units.
Capable of remote control of onboard relays on detection units, to regulate local alarm units.
Equipped with a colored LCD human machine interface display unit for – continuous gas concentration at each detection unit, parameter name, location of detection unit, alarm status of each unit, fan status, fire alarm status etc.
Capable to detecting signal faults
Auto-diagnostic watchdog with built in error code, fault LED indication informing about the type of system error/fault
Password protected so that un-authorized persons cannot alter the set parameters
Capable of configuring each alarm relay, detection units parameters etc.
Capable of configurable multiple alarm levels at each detection unit
Equipped with a facility to connect to BMS system via Digital signals
Wall / stand mountable enclosure with IP65 protection against dust and water.
Equipped with alarm acknowledgement facility
Equipped with facility for auto or manual fan operations
Digital output and control signals for fan electrical panels
Equipped with facility for integration with fire alarm panel
Wall mountable German Quality Rittal panel
Optional: configurable with variable frequency drives for axial / centrifugal fans
Optional: configurable with an inbuilt electrical starter for fans
Applications areas:
Basement or underground car park
Furnace, combustion area
Incinerator area
For more information please feel free to contact us or mail us to
We are happy to inform you that we ALVI Automation India Private Limited is one of the leading supplier and service provider of Gas leak detector (Like – CO, Hydrogen, Hydrocarbon, Methan, Pentane, LPG, CNG, Natural Gas, CO2, ammonia, VOC, PM10, PM2.5 and all environmental toxic and combustible gas sensor transmitter) and process instruments (Like – Pressure Switch, Pressure Gauge, Pressure Transmitter, Field instruments) in India .
Glad to inform you all that we had done immense work in private Sector (Honda, Hero, Denso International, Siemens, Honeywell, Schneider, JCI, DLF, HMEL, HPCIL, Adani, Kanara, Greenheck, Nicotra, SystemAir ) as well as in the Government sector (NTPC, NPCIL, BHEL, HAL, Delhi District Court, Lucknow High court, ITO – Delhi, Bank Note, Rattan Power Plant – Maharastra, Prayag Raj Powerplant – Allahabad/ Prayagraj – UP), supplied Best German range of products and our best technical Services.
Our MSR Germany and GasAlarm CO (Carbon Monoxide ), Hydrogen, Methane, VOC, Pentane, Ammonia, CO2, Ethylene, LPG, Methyl Ethyl Ketone Sensor Transmitter have great demand for gas leak detection purpose, in Indian as well as in Australasian countries.
Our Beck Germany Range of Differential Pressure Switch, Transmitter have great demand on Air pressure control sector (Textiles, AHU, Clean Room, vehicle manufacturing sector.
Our Joventa Germany Range of Damper Actuator have great demand in AHU, Damper, Mechanical Sector due to its small size, long life and availability in low torque range (Started from 2 Nm of range)
After sales, we are ever ready to support our associates, supplier, customer all the way.
Our prompt response, positive attitudes, best technical and consultancy support are always appreciated by our customers.
For any query and enquiry please feel free to contact us –
We ALVI Automation India Private Limited in association with GasAlarm Systems Australia ( and MSR Germany, specializing in gas detection & monitoring solutions feel pleased to say that we had done lots of successful car park ventilation system projects all over India as well as in Australia, Newziland, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Canada, UAE, and many more countries and found our Carbon Monoxide Sensor Transmitter GAS-CO-300-D and MSR CO Sensor Transmitter MA-0-1110-F-B is the best energy saving, accurate, fast responsive, long life and economical in cost compared to the other brands present in market .
Introducing the GasAlarm Systems GAS-CO-300-D
Most cost optimum sensor transmitter for carbon monoxide – application in car park ventilation fan control, coal mining, coal handling plant, coal washeries, boilers, steel plants, pharmaceutical anywhere gas and coal combustion take place – best very early fire detection due to gas radicals detection – smoldering fires.
Specifications in Detail:
24VDC power with 4-20mA output (current loop)
0-300PPM Carbon Monoxide measuring range
Long Life – ≥ 6 years (Life Expected ≥ 10 years)
High Accuracy – ± 3ppm
Wiring – 2 wire system (reduce wire cost)
Onboard potentiometer for “zero” adjustment
Onboard potentiometer for “gain/span” adjustment
Multimeter connections for measurement during calibration
We would like to spread the word out to all our customers, especially our customers from India, that Rajasthan Police is hunting for criminal Vinod Gogoriya of EK engineering, India along with his wife Mamta Gogoriya who are absconding.
Some of our customers are still being misled and cheated by Vinod Gogoriya of EK engineering,India. This is to inform all our customers that ALVI Automation is the only company in India from where you should source all your process instruments, including – MSR, Fischer, and Jola products, Joventa.
Rajasthan Police have published Criminal Vinod Gogoriya, his wife Mamta Gogoriya as absconder and is asking public for any related information. It’s our sincere urge to everyone, if you know anything about Vinod Gogoriya or his wife Mamta Gogoriya, please inform Rajasthan Police via their weblink as attached below and help injustice.
Vinod Gogoriya is declared as criminal along with his wife Mamta Gogoriya and absconding in case number 167/2016 and 385/2016. They run deceptive companies in Bikaner like EK Engineering (, EK gems and Silver’s, EK silver house.
Rajasthan police requesting information from the public about Vinod and Mamta Gogoriya, if anyone has any information about Vinod Gogoriya please ping us (Alak Jha or Prakash Jha) or inform Pratap Nagar Police Thana Jaipur and we suggest you that please refrain dealing with Vinod Gogoriya EK Engineering Bikaner.
Hydrogen sensor transmitter for online, continuous LEL or flammability detection in battery rooms, UPS rooms, cracking plants, hydrogenation plants, hydrogen gas bank etc. The detector is explosion proof ATEX, IECEX certified with SIL 2 safety level and suitable for installation in hazardous area Zone 1 and Zone 2.
It is available with LCD Display, onboard relay contacts, flashing alarm LEDs, auto diagnostic watch dog, non-intrusive calibration, with industry standard linear analog output.
online, continuous monitoring of hydrogen LEL or flammability level, wall or duct mount, with / without display & relays, ATEX certified with safety integrity level SIL 2, explosion proof for Zone 1, 2 Model no: PX2-X-X-3440-XX
Hydrogen gas detector, PX2 series is highly robust, industrial grade, flameproof or explosion proof gas detector for hydrogen LEL or flammability monitoring. It is used for online, continuous monitoring of hydrogen flammable concentration in %LEL or %Vol terms in ambient air or in duct or pipeline. It is ATEX Ex’d’ and Ex’n’ certified with SIL 2 safety integrity level for hazardous area installation Zone 1 and 2. The sensor transmitter offers linear, proportional analog output in industry standard current signals, over measuring range of 0 ~ 100 % LEL (lower explosive limit). The detector works on highly sensitive catalytic bead based pellistor sensor cell, with low response time. It has unique feature of auto diagnostic watch dog with zero point tracking feature. Due to its 12-bit microprocessor based control unit, it offer high accuracy over long term. The detector is also equipped with sintered filter with flashback arrestor for enhanced safety
Hydrogen sensor transmitter – LEL detector, ATEX Zone 1,2 flameproof, with / without display
It also offers optional features like inbuilt LCD display, flashing alarm LEDs, onboard potential free relay contacts (24VDC @ 1 A), RS485 serial interface with Modbus RTU communication.
Key Features:
Catalytic bead based Pellistor sensor cell with low flash energy
12-bit microprocessor control unit
Non-intrusive one man calibration via hall effect switches
ATEX, PESO, IEXEC, SIL2 certified explosion proof / flameproof, suitable for Zone 1, 2 gas explosion installation
Linear, proportional analog industry standard current output
Continuous system self-diagnosis with watch dog
Flashback arrestor with sintered filter
Auto Zero point tracking to zero point compensation
SIL 2 HW TUV certified
RS485 serial interface with Modbus RTU communication (optional)
2 relay output module (optional)
System and alarm LED indicators (optional)
Modbus RTU communication over RS485 serial interface
Hydrogen sensor transmitter – Flameproof, ATEX for Zone 1, 2 LEL monitor with catalytic sensor
Technical Specifications:
Measuring Parameters: hydrogen gas flammability or leakage
Sensor Technology: Catalytic bead based pellistor sensor cell
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the second main gas responsible of the greenhouse effect and the major gas discussed during environmental summits. It is mainly used, according to its state:
Under its solid state, carbon dioxide (CO2) is used as a cool pack.
Under its gaseous state, it is used in the beer brewing and the wine growing
Under its liquid state, carbonic gas is used to charge efficient extinguishers against any type of fire.
It is the result of complete combustions, both natural (volcanic eruptions, fire, etc.) and anthropogenic (car engine combustion, industry combustions, etc.)
Naturally present in the atmosphere at low concentration, carbon dioxide (CO2), also known as carbonic gas, remains hazardous. As it is essential for photosynthesis, it can be found in greenhouses to increase plant growth.
The carbonic gas is colourless in the visible light but absorbing in the infrared spectrum, and such is responsible of the greenhouse effect.
Odourless, non-flammable and non-toxic, carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced in the body and eliminated in the lungs.
Nevertheless, the carbonic gas features asphyxiating properties. As it is heavier than the air it is present in the poor ventilated locations (confined spaces) like tanks, sewers, holes…
Fixed gas detection systems are able to measure the carbon dioxide variations.
GasAlarm CO2 gas detector like the GAS-CO2-XXX allows percentage by volume measurements of the carbonic gas variations in the atmosphere.
To monitor an area where several people work together like maintenance works in confined spaces.
The fixed GasAlarm CO2 gas detection systems come with the following features:
Measuring range: 0-5000 PPM or 0-2000 PPM
Relay output: One passive relay output (max.5A)with the control mode selection with an inbuilt buzzer
Acetic acid gas detector for online, continuous detection of acetic acid vapour presence or LEL level in ambient air or ducts. The detector is explosion proof ATEX certified with SIL 2 safety level and suitable for installation in hazardous area Zone 1 and Zone 2. The instrument can be installed at solvent storage facility, paint booth, refinery, paint manufacturing units, cleansing facility at textile manufacturing etc.
It is available with LCD Display, on-board relay contacts, flashing alarm LEDs, auto diagnostic watch dog, non-intrusive calibration, with industry standard linear analog output.
Model: XT21-34XX-PXX-XXX
SMART MSR-Sensitron series acetic acid gas or vapour sensor is highly robust, industrial grade, flameproof or explosion proof instrument for LEL concentration detection. The instrument can be installed for flammability level or LEL detection of acetic acid gas in all industrial and commercial area eg. chemical plant, fertilizer, solvent manufacturing unit, printing press, paint booth etc
The detector can be installed at walls, surfaces or in ducts for monitoring in gas or air sample. It is ATEX EEx’d’ certified with SIL 2 safety integrity level for hazardous area installation Zone 1 and 2.
The sensor transmitter offers linear, proportional analog output in industry standard current signals, over measuring a range of 0 ~ 100 % LEL (lower explosive limit). The detector works on highly sensitive catalytic bead-based pellistor sensor cell, with low response time. It has unique feature of an auto diagnostic watchdog with zero point tracking feature. Due to its 10-bit microprocessor based control unit, it offers high accuracy over the long term. The detector is also equipped with a sintered filter with flashback arrestor for enhanced safety.
It also offers optional features like inbuilt LCD display, flashing alarm LEDs, onboard potential free relay contacts (24VDC @ 1 A), RS485 serial interface with Modbus RTU communication.
Key Features:
Non-intrusive one man calibration via Hall effect switches
4-digit display and 5 mode status LEDs
Standard 4-20 mA 3 wire output
Standard 1 relay output
Optional 3 relay output card
Optional RS485 interface for Modbus communication.
Zero tracking to maintain the zero point steady from possible drifts
Ongoing system self diagnosis
ATEX II2G Ex db IIC T5 Gb (standard marking) (II2 GD with optional adapter)
ATEX II2G Ex db [ib] IIC T6 Gb for detectors with intrinsically safe protection
SIL 2HW tested, SIL3 SW pending
Wide range of sensors and detectable gases
Wide range of accessories for installation and maintenance
Easy sensor replacement
Acetic acid gas sensor – analog transmitter for LEL monitoring, Zone 1, SIL 2 safety, ATEX certified, flameproof
Technical Specifications:
Measuring Parameters: LEL or flammable concentration of acetic acid vapour / gas
Sensor Technology: Catalytic bead based pellistor sensor cell
IR3 flame detect RFD-3000X is IECEx, ATEX, FM, PESO certified general fire and flame detector, based on IR3 detection technology.
It has wide view angle upto 60 meter detection range. IP67 protected with SUS 316 housing, it can be installed at any location – chemical industry, oil & gas refinery, power plants etc
based on IR3 spectrum detection technology, to detect fire incidence, non-contact type, Explosion proof ATEX, FM, IEC-Ex, PESO certified, RS485 serial interface, fault & output relay Model: RFD-3000X
The IR3 Flame detector, RFD-3000X is an efficient, compact device to detect flame/fire incidence. RFD-3000X works on IR3 spectrum detection technology. As it is IP67 ingress protected with IECEx, ATEX, FM, PESO certified approval, it can be installed at all Hazardous and non-hazardous area like an electrical room, cold stores, warehouse etc, or explosion proof areas like oil rig, refinery, bottling plants, battery rooms, cracker unit.
Due to highly efficient detection and wide view angle, it ideal for flame detection for 90° horizontal and vertical view upto60 meter distance. It can be easily integrated with analog or digital system controller / BMS / SCADA system, with its standard analog signals, digital output and digital RS485 signals. With its unique feature, it provides fault and warning signals, in case of abnormal operation.
Being stainless steel enclosed with IP67 protection, it can be install at application area, be it coal mines, offshore platform, cold stores, refinery, power plants etc
Ammonia is a Toxic, colorless and pungent smelling gas which affect living bodies, to stop any hazardous and panic incident we must use Ammonia Gas Leak Detection – Ammonia Sensor Transmitter in the area where ammonia gas or gas container present.
Exposure to high concentrations of ammonia in the air causes immediate burning of the eyes, nose, throat and respiratory tract and can result in blindness, lung damage or death. Inhalation of lower concentrations can cause coughing, and nose and throat irritation to stop all these panic incident we need to use Ammonia Detector Transmitter in the place where there is a chance of leakage of NH3 ammonia gas.
This Ammonia Detector detects the leakage of ammonia gas and immediately and Transmit the signal to actuate the alarm and close the ammonia gas supply line.
Silent Features of MSR Ammonia Sensor Transmitter
Measuring Range Available : 0-100, 0-300, 0-500 PPM
Gas Type: NH3 Ammonia
Sensor Cell: Electrochemical Diffusion
Operating Voltage: 24 VDC
Output Signal: 4-20 mA or 2-10 VDC
Response time T90 < 120 Sec
Housed in an IP65 polycarbonate Enclosure
Coverage area: 80-120 Sqm
Housing UL94 V2 approved
Wall mount housing
Calibration interval: 12 month
Continuous Monitoring
High accuracy, selectivity, and reliability
Low zero point drift
Long life sensor
Easy maintenance and calibration by exchange of the sensor unit or by comfortable on-site calibration
Software according to SIL2 compliant development process
For more Technical Details please click – Datasheet
We are pleased to introduce Oxygen Sensor Transmitter – MC2-D-E1195-A-3-0, German Technology with high accuracy , long life, easy maintenance in economical price .
Oxygen (O2) gas detectors are used for the detection of oxygen in rooms where changes of the oxygen concentration are possible, such as laboratories, hospitals and food process, cold storage and fruit ripening industries etc.
MC2-D-E1195-A-3-0 have following features :
Measuring range: 0-25 Vol %
Sensor element: Electrochemical Diffusion
Analog output: 4 – 20 mA (or 2 – 10 V) analog output with selectable signal output
Accuracy: ± 0.5 Vol %
Response time: t90 ≤ 15 sec
Operating Voltage: 24VDC
Digital measurement value processing incl. temperature compensation
Internal function control with integrated hardware watchdog
Data / measured values in μC of the sensor unit
High accuracy, selectivity and reliability
Low zero point drift
Long life sensor
Hardware & software according to SIL2(Safety Integrity Level) compliant development process
Easy maintenance and calibration by exchange of the sensor unit or by comfortable on-site calibration
Reverse polarity protected, overload and short-circuit proof
Housing for integration of the sensor unit
IP65 protected weatherproof enclosure with Features :
ALVI-Group takes pride in introducing Flame Detector for Oil & gas, coal, power plants application
IR3 flame detector RFD-3000X is IECEx, ATEX, FM certified flame detector, based on IR3 detection technology.
It has wide view angle upto 60 meter detection range.
IP66 protected with Stainless 316 housing, it can be installed at any location – chemical industry, oil & gas refinery, power plants etc
IR3 Flame detector (triple IR beam) – ATEX, FM approved for hazardous area, with RS485 interface and relay output
based on IR3 spectrum detection technology, to detect fire incidence, non-contact type
Model: RFD-3000X
IR3 Flame detector, RFD-3000X is efficient, compact device to detect flame / fire incidence. RFD-300X works on IR3 spectrum detection technology. As it is IP66 ingress protected with IECEx, ATEX, FM certified approval, it can be install at non-hazardous areas like electrical room, cold stores, warehouse etc, or explosion proof areas like oil rig, refinery, bottling plants, battery rooms, cracker unit.
Due to highly efficient detection and wide view angle, it ideal for flame detection for 90° horizontal and vertical view upto 60 meter distance. It can be easily integrated with analog or digital system controller / BMS / SCADA system, with its standard analog signals, digital output and digital RS485 signals. With its unique feature, it provides fault and warning signals, in case of abnormal operation.
Being stainless steel enclosed with IP66 protection, it can be install at application area, be it coal mines, offshore platform, cold stores, refinery, power plants etc
IR3 Flame detector – online, continuous, contactless flame monitoring in explosion proof area (IEC-EX, ATEX, FM)